UPCOMING EVENT: "At Home in Foreign Lands: Syed Mujtaba Ali's Depiction of Afghanistan, 1927-1929"
Afghanistan, a focal point of British military ambition in the 19th and 20th centuries, had also ironically turned out to be the most...
UPCOMING EVENT: "At Home in Foreign Lands: Syed Mujtaba Ali's Depiction of Afghanistan, 1927-1929"
SUBMISSIONS CLOSED! L'Histoire Volume 3, Issue 1
UPCOMING EVENTS: Muslim Citizenships and Belongings in India, a series.
CALL FOR MEMBERS! Join Voyages into the Past.
Upcoming Event: ITIHASHE HATEKHORI: Pasts, Truths and Contestations in a History Beyond the Academy
Upcoming Event - "Understanding October 7, 2023 and its Aftermath: A Long View of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict"
Event Review: "First Among (Un)Equals: Marriage Under the Indian Rainbow"
My Voyages into the Early Colonial Past: A Discussion and Adda with Professor Robert Travers
Upcoming Event: "Hurt Sentiments: Secularism and Belonging in South Asia"