Public Events and Addresses
The Lectures and Discussions
Voyages into the Past began its journey hosting Harbans Mukhia, who delivered a lecture titled "The Past and Future of "Ancient, Medieval and Modern" in History" in June of 2020, and has since gone on to conduct over 90 public lecture events by a variety of academics and topics. Straddling, gender studies, performance studies, anthropology, history and politics, Voyages aims to continue to tackle oftentimes difficult and forgotten topics in an effort to introduce and educate students and others. Some of these lectures have been recorded, and preserved for posterity, and you can find these at our YouTube channel, while the most recent available lectures and discussions have been linked below.

How do we conduct our events
Voyages' lectures are conducted by invitation, and usually surround a specific, topical concern that is contemporary - even if the topic itself may not be. With invitees that have stretched between academics, litterateurs, journalists and activists, we aim to host a wide variety of opinions (without platforming any kind of hate or bigotry, and rejecting those who have engaged in the same in the past). All our lectures are conducted pro bono, and we have consistently defended our position in an effort to ensure that access to knowledge remains free to all. You can find announcements for upcoming events at the button below.