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Publishing and Reviewing Guidelines

Editors are committed to prevent the publication of any work where research misconduct has occurred, including plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data falsification/fabrication. In the event that editors are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct relating to a published article, they shall follow COPE’s guidelines [Suspected plagiarism in a published article. COPE guidance (] and [Fabricated data suspected in a published article (] in dealing with these allegations. Contributions from editors undergo the normal editorial process and editors of those works are chosen by non-contributing members of the team. With regards to usage of Generative AI in the composition of literature, we strongly discourage the same, and presence of GenAI text may be construed as grounds for rejection. All authors will be required to, prior to publication, sign a statement that affirms the originality of their text, and that they take sole responsibility for any and all issues that arise thereafter. Suggestions for post-publication issues raised in correspondence and in reviews will result in the article being either corrected, altered or retracted as needed, under advisement by the Editorial head, who will consult the authors and, where appropriate, also the editorial team before taking a decision on the same.


On submission, manuscripts are evaluated by the editors with regard to research integrity, and standards of publishing where:

  1. Plagiarism is not more than 10%.

  2. Material is properly cited in the correct style – CMOS 17.

  3. Grammar and Syntax.

  4. Factual accuracy.

  5. Appropriate methodological use – both processual and ethical.  

  6. Clarity of argumentation.


Three strikes – here considered, failing three of these grounds – prevents a manuscript from further processing, and the author receives a detailed explanation for the reason for rejection. Manuscripts that may fail one or the other of these grounds will be asked to be revised in order to resolve the issue. In case of authors submitting a revised draft, the decision lies with the Editorial chief whether to accept the same or reject it.

Editing and reviewing of manuscripts will be undertaken by the members of the Editorial team assigned by the Editorial chiefs, on grounds of anonymity. Once an essay has cleared reviewing and been approved, the author can no longer request edits or changes to the text.


Standardised Guidelines for Submissions Include:

  1. Font Size: 12

  2. Font Style: Times New Roman

  3. Line Spacing: 1.5

  4. Page Numbers to be included

  5. The footnotes must be single-spaced in Times New Roman 10 point size font.

  6. All citations should be included as endnote citations.

  7. The footnotes and bibliography should follow the rules of the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition.


Please refer to the detailed calls for papers and articles for the submissions guidelines that are operative for that issue, as the above list is indicative and may be subject to change. 

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